Friday, February 18, 2011

Heater Issues

When I get up in the morning, I keep playing with the heater in the house trying to get the right temperature so it’s a sort of comfortable waking-up temperature. So I don’t get that Siberian gulag feeling that Southern Californians tend to get when the air drops below a painful sixty degrees.

I’ve tried seventy which is incredible for little while, but then eventually starts to make my body feel like it’s imploding; as though a long bath of freezing cold ice water would be perfect right at that moment.

Sixty eight is my next test and I’ll get back to you on that one.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

All Glass Deck in the Chicago Sear's Tower

On Behalf of the Responsible Voices in My Head

So I’m trying to get earthquake-prepared which I think part of me is motivated less by the fear of a possible earthquake and more of a possible end-of-the-world scenario. Don’t ask me what that might look like or how many of the voices in my head actually agree on how that narrative could go. Just don’t get me started.

But this ends up making me wonder: if it is the end of the world, what should I be preparing?

All I know is that I have been racking up a boatload of water. Like the opposite of Noah’s situation. ‘Cause I think it’s not death that freaks me out as much as being thirsty while I’m waiting.