Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dont' read this unless you have absolutely nothing else to do with your life.

I haven’t written anything so far in August. This is shameful. I’m like Ernest Borgnine says in the film Marty, “What I been doin’ with myself?” I want to give excuses but I don’t have any. Like you drive off a cliff and smash your body up, people will understand why you haven’t been keeping up on the letter-writing. You were a little tied up. It’s understandable.
So this is me just getting back into the swing of things. I’m writing to say I haven’t been writing. Hopefully, you figured out that you needed to stop reading this post within the first few words.

1 comment:

Dale and Judy said...

Please keep it up . . . I check all the time and am so disappointed when there's nothing new. I love you writing.