Friday, November 5, 2010

Sleep Deprivation

3:35 a.m. Can’t sleep. I don’t know why my brain does this. 3:00 in the morning rolls around and my brain flips on like a light bulb factory. So I wrestle with it for a half hour trying to lull it back to the netherworld, but I know it immediately as my eyes pop open. It’s like an untrained dog. He breaks free of the fence and he ain’t comin’ home. I don't even fight it any more. This is why I'm here.

I love how quiet it is in the early morning though. Nothing’s turned on yet. Except the ticking clock and the fridge buzzing to me from the kitchen which almost adds to the silence like these little departures that remind you of how quiet it is.

1 comment:

Dale and Judy said...

So happy you're writing again. I love it. Keep it up.