Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday Morning

Lazy mornings with nothing to do is the greatest. The house is a bit chilly but my body feels like it’s floating right at this moment. And I’m waiting for Che Che to wake up. She has somehow taught herself how to sleep through anything that makes a lot of noise including nuclear holocausts and angry lawn mowers.

I’m sitting with my back turned to the door leading to the backyard. I can feel Jack’s eyes staring at me through the snot-spotted glass. He seems to have mastered certain methods of Jedi mind control where all he has to do is just stare at me long enough and I’ll end up taking him on a walk. He’s really a brilliant dog.

I just got done cleaning up the lawn which he’s transformed into his personal bathroom. It’s been about a week and a half since I’ve picked anything up so I was having to tread very carefully as though I was working my way across a mine field. Jack just watched me from the patio wagging his tail and dancing around in circles knowing that the walk is somehow coming soon.


Unknown said...

I love how Jack uses mind control, staring at you through the snot-spotted glass. I can totally picture it.

Dale and Judy said...

I especially loved the line: "angry lawn mowers" -- great picture.